Wednesday 21st
Rudgwick Branch AGM – The Old School, Guildford Road, Rudgwick, RH12 3JP
At 8 p.m.
Contact: John Stevenson 01403 822239
Saturday 24th
Warnham Branch AGM – Warnham Park 11.30 am
Contact: Mrs Brigitte Ziegler 01403 252581
Monday 23rd
Horsham Carfax Branch, Spring Lunch – Soup & Ploughmans -12.30 for 1.00
Unitarian Church Hall, Worthing Road, RH12 1SL– Tickets £8.00
Contact: June Smith 01403 253932
Saturday 28th
Horsham Conservative Association Buffet Luncheon 12 noon – 2.30 pm.
Sedgwick Park House - by kind permission of Mr & Mrs John Davison
This will be an opportunity to take a guided tour round the house, and to see the extensive restoration work undertaken by John & Clare Davison.
Lunch will be served in the Ballroom. Ticket price £12.50.
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000
Sunday 29th April
Riverside Spring Lunch, 12 noon – 2 p.m. Tickets £10.00
Northlands House, Northlands Road, RH12 5PW, Bring your own bottle
Contact: Betty Lynn 01403 255027
Saturday 19th
Warnham Branch – Spring Drinks – Old Manor, Knob Hill, Warnham, RH12 3SN
No charge - 12 noon -2pm
Contact: Mrs Brigitte Ziegler 01403 252581
Saturday 26th
Horsham Conservative Association – Diamond Jubilee Garden Party
Warnham Park, Warnham 4.00pm – 7.00 pm
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000
Saturday 9th
Warnham Branch – Coffee Morning - 10 am – 12 noon - £1.00
The Red House, 26 Church Street, Warnham, West Sussex, RH12 3QW
Contact: Mrs Brigitte Ziegler 01403 252581
Friday 22nd
Sussex Area Dinner - Special Guest Speaker The Rt Hon. Iain Duncan Smith MP Sectretary of State for Work and Pensions
The Amex Centre, Falmer, Brighton. (New Football Stadium)
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000
Friday 29th
Executive Council – Gough House 7.00 pm
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000
Hustings Meeting taking place to choose a Candidate to go forward for election as Police Commissioner for Sussex.
Date and venue to be announced.
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000
Thursday 4th October
Warnham Branch - Bridge Drive – 2 pm-5pm (doors open at 1pm.)
Village Hall, Hollands Way, Warnham, West Sussex, RH12 3RH
Contact: Mrs Brigitte Ziegler 01403 252581 or David Arnold 01403 790168
Sunday 7th – Wednesday 10th October
Conservative Party Conference at Birmingham – for passes and accommodation - Contact: www.conservatives.com
Friday 26th
Warnham Branch – Autumn Supper, Guest Speaker Daniel Hannan MEP,
Old Manor, Knob Hill, Warnham, RH12 3SN
Ticket price to be confirmed
Contact: Mrs Brigitte Ziegler 01403 252581
Saturday 27th
Balcombe Branch - Film Show & Supper at Stone Hall; 7pm for 7:30pm.
Contact: Jeff Gunning 01444 819066 - Ticket price to be confirmed.
Friday 9th
Executive Council – Gough House 7.00 pm
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000
Thursday 15th
Election of Police Commissioners. Horsham will be voting for a Police Commissioner for the whole of Sussex. Further details to be announced.
Contact: Gough House 01403 242000